Karas Nicole decides to join their concert despite her ankle injury

  • Kil Hye Sung |2012.02.19 21:55
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Karas Nicole has showed firm volition by taking part in a performance despite her ankle injury.

On February 19, her agency said that Nicole sprained her ankle during the concert Karasia, which was held at the Seoul Olympic Gymnastic Stadium on February 18.

The agency stated, It was the first concert of Kara since their debut 5 years ago. Nicole extended herself to give the best performances including the one with the song Beat It, originally done by Michael Jackson. However, she sprained her ankle after the performance while stepping down the stairs.

Thereafter, Nicole swung by SBSs Inkigayo while wearing a bandage but took off the bandage during the live air shooting.

The agency added, Shes been showing strong volition toward the participation of the concert in Seoul of the second day. She will be joining the concert as scheduled.

Karas concert titled Karasia was held at the Seoul Olympic Gymnastic Stadium on February 18 & 19.

Additionally, Kara will be continuing their Asia tour in cities including five cities in Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, and others.

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