Block-Bs P.O. hospitalized and feels terrible after interview

  • Kil Hye Sung |2012.02.24 09:00
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P.O of Idol group Block-B, composed of 7 members, was recently hospitalized for mood disorder and depression after a controversial interview.

On February 24, Block-B’s agency said, “P.O is in a hospital in Seoul. He has been feeling very sad about causing controversy after a Thai media outlet interview. He is very regretful.”

“P.O and Block-B members officially apologized and are very sorry for their actions during the interview. P.O, who just graduated from his high school, is still young and a tender-hearted person. We decided to put him in the hospital because he is suffering a lot of emotional pain.”

The agency added, “We will see how his state of health is when the result comes out.”

Each Block-B member left comments on their fansite on February 20 and asked for forgiveness for what they said in a Thai interview.

They also uploaded a ninety second video on YouTube on February 23 to apologize.

In the video, the members bow their heads down to 90 degrees to express their regret.

Zico, who shaved his head to show that the group members regret, says, “The fact that we didn’t think our actions could damage the Thai people was very stupid and embarrassing, and we ask for your forgiveness. Again, we would like to bow our heads and apologize.” Zico’s words are translated into Korean, Thai, and English and simultaneously shown on subtitles as he speaks.

The group was blamed for their bad manners while doing an interview for a Thai media outlet, RYT9.

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