Young Posse Come back with 'ATE THAT'

  • 이소연 |2024.08.01 15:32
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Young Posse, known as the "Daughters of Korean Hip-Hop," will be making a comeback on August 21 with their third EP 'ATE THAT.'

On the 31st, Young Posse (comprising Jeong Sun-hye, Wi Yeon-jeong, Gianna, Do-eun, and Han Ji-eun) posted the logo motion for 'ATE THAT' on their official social media channels. The logo motion, designed like a game start screen, features the group's team logo in a sharp, metallic style, catching viewers' attention. Just as games offer various worlds to explore, 'ATE THAT' is expected to showcase Young Posse's limitless imagination in the real world.

In their first EP 'MACARONI CHEESE,' Young Posse expressed their hunger for the stage. Their second EP 'XXL' conveyed their ambition to perform on even more stages. With 'ATE THAT,' they boldly declare their intent to dominate the stage with their powerful performances.

Young Posse has earned the nickname "Daughters of Korean Hip-Hop" by presenting authentic hip-hop tracks, a rarity for girl groups. Their unpredictable, quirky charm has consistently defied mainstream trends in the music industry. In a bold move, they have decided to release their new EP at midnight, instead of the usual 6 PM release time, reinforcing their unique position in the K-pop scene and showing their confidence in the new EP.

Written by Kim Su Jin

Translated by Lee So Yun

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